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2022: What’s New in Commercial Real Estate?

2022 Commercial Real Estate Market Forecast

You may be wondering what to expect from 2022’s CRE market. 以下是新年商业地产的一些热门话题.

The effects of the pandemic on commercial real estate:

商业地产在新冠肺炎大流行之初遭受了巨大打击. Social distancing measures, 大规模关闭, nonpayment of rent, layoffs and remote work were the main cause. 整个2021年,投资者抓住了重新开业的机会,并降低了利率.
Stay-at-home orders created an extended feeling of isolation. This pent up energy made people eager to go out, dine at restaurants, attend concerts 和更多的 upon reopening. 这种情况表明,商家缺乏供应,以满足日益增长的客户需求. There were major disruptions to supply chains during shutdowns. 这可能会继续影响零售、酒店、甚至仓库/配送的功能. 办公室, 热情好客, 自疫情开始以来,零售部门的收入大幅下降. 工业、数据中心、生命科学、住房部门和电子商务都达到了历史最高水平.
“德尔塔”和“欧米克隆”等新型病毒株的影响使人们对2022年的增长潜力领域产生了怀疑. Many reconsider travel plans which may impact the 热情好客 sector. Businesses might delay their back-to-office plans. 这可能会对人口集中地区的劳动力产生连锁反应, impacting commercial office real estate.

CRE Markets to Watch in 2022:

尽管目前面临挑战,但2022年的商业房地产前景似乎仍然光明. The National Association of Realtors’ Commercial Real Estate Outlook 2022 报告显示,对工业和零售空间的需求稳定. Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis Group Inc. (CBRE)报告 证实特定的利基房地产行业在大流行期间有所增长. 其中包括冷藏设施、数据中心和生命科学. With cautious optimism, commercial real estate will continue to grow. Recovery will be uneven at first. Before making any investment, always conduct extensive location and industry research.

Predictions for the Industrial Sector

Logistics real estate has been in high demand for years. 电子商务的激增创造了对更多库存存储和管理设施的需求. 冷库和数据中心等细分市场也在增长,现在成为投资者兴趣的中心.
warehouse facilities have always been in demand and will continue to increase over time. 尽管前期成本更高,但冷库的收入远高于干库. The rise of online grocery shopping increased the need for this. Investors in this niche are searching for long-term, reliable tenants.
在线开展业务的趋势增加了对云服务和内容提供商的需求. 加密货币和比特币挖矿的兴起对更多数据中心产生了前所未有的需求. 这些综合因素造成了租赁仓储设施的激烈竞争.

Predictions for the Multifamily Sector

Many Americans decided to migrate to the suburbs during the pandemic. 结果, 多户家庭的 sector saw a drop in rents and valuations. This situation has 主要是 affected urban areas. 尽管如此,一些市场在大流行期间经历了增长和租金上涨. Even during an economic crisis, housing is a primary need.
多户家庭的 公寓大楼的进入门槛最低,我们可以预期它们会增长. 随着利率的上升,拥有住房可能会成为一种更难负担的奢侈品. 此外,2021年有许多“建房出租”项目,这些项目将在2022年继续. btr是指在专业管理下的社区内建造住房单元的项目. This type of investment may be suitable for some developers. It is a model like gated communities, featuring premium amenities.

Predictions for the Hospitality Sector

When non-essential travel came to a halt, 热情好客 sector saw a dramatic drop in revenues. Still, suburban hotels are likely to recover faster than urban ones. 在疫情期间,州际和郊区酒店的入住率还不错, while the urban ones saw a drastic decline. 这表明,一些地区的酒店将比其他地区恢复得更快.
According to the CBRE hotel real estate outlook在2023年之前,入住率可能无法恢复到大流行前的水平. 他们还表示,每间可用客房的收入(RevPAR)可能要到2024年才能达到大流行前的高点. 事实上,这是一个积极的前景,因为它可能是一个可靠的长期投资机会.

Predictions for the 办公室 Sector

自疫苗推出以来,员工已经开始返回办公室,而一些人继续工作 远程. 冠状病毒大流行的未来和可能的封锁仍然是一个灰色地带. Many say that employers will 实现 a mixed working model. Those who do return to the office will likely 需要 more personal space. 我们可以预期,人口密集的开放式办公室计划将成为过去.
在工作中对更多私人空间的需求可能会让企业主考虑 office relocation to larger but cheaper premises in suburban areas. 打理好自己的生意通常意味着在特定的环境下做出改变,并朝着最好的方向发展. As it is now, remote work will likely decrease the need for 办公空间, but we can still expect it to grow over time.


The commercial real estate outlook for 2022 is promising. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, it continues to recover. 根据房地产类型和地理市场的不同,复苏并不均衡. 然而, we have seen increased investment in areas such as self-storage, 多户家庭的 complexes, 工业部门由于电子商务和远程工作带来的住房需求强劲,数据中心也在增加. These sectors have been the most profitable for developers so far. 那些想要投资的人必须密切关注当前和未来的趋势.


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